Welcome to Official Website of Central Reserve Police Force

Sh. Narendra Modi

Honorable Prime Minister of India
Honorable Prime Minister of India



Sh. Amit Shah

Minister of Home Affairs of India
Minister of Home Affairs of India

Bihar Sector, (BS/CRPF)

The Bihar Sector, Central Reserve Police Force (BS/CRPF) endeavours to achieve mission of CRPF and fulfill the vision of CRPF directorate.

BS/CRPF also aims to emerge as a principal counter insurgency force in Bihar to aid and supplement Bihar Govt. to uphold Rule of Law and Supremacy of Indian Constitution.

B/S CRPF will internally work for transparent and responsive administration. It endeavours to use technology to reach to all its men to redress their grievances and provide optimum welfare to their family members.

B/S CRPF also plans to work with Bihar Govt. to win over masses under fear/influence of extremist’s elements by providing many welfare measures, education, de- radicalisation programmes under CAPF scheme of Govt. of India.Read More

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